word blog

14/11 #60

im sorry for dipping of the earth for 3 days we almos have drew all of are sonas but forgot one so when that later today we'll be done
!!my school did something cuol aparently i can use adobi animate and liek photoshop (and a bunch uf other things too) for fre with mi scholl acount so yeah weer stil going 2 use krita for just pitures and like smal gifs we can use animate 4 liek big things!!!
ok im so sori 4 no art blog we just haev bean focesing on a pruject but yeah dis was a mistak in de white space but we cept it cause i louked cool XD

11/11 #59

dis schech was so bad we didn't evin colojr it XD
we didn't rely do mutch 2day caws we went to r nana's 4 most uv teh day so sori lol
k so tomaro we might finaly have de sona thing cause et tooc us liek a yeer 2 draw every sona

10/11 #58

this was just a little duddle of moonchari lol

9/11 #57

sorry 4 no artblog today we'll do it early tomaro cause we forgot to send de imaeg and now r phone is loked so sorry

8/11 #56

long enmaj lol uh yeah 3200원 감귤 sum (i think tecnicly 13+ lol) and mimi :3 dis also was de most ethert low eafurt thing like non of the drawings are good but it still took liek 47 minits
!!!omgg we might acholy start transitioning sooon yay :)!!!!!!!! also omgg i know dis is late but we just watched de last lovly world video and thank u so much to stampy they were liek de thing dat got us into minecraft and along with dantdm and later down the linepopularmmosand unspekable were such insperations to us when we were like 8 to 6 (so liek 2018 to 2015 i think) and influnsed us so much
new sona lol let me out!!!!!!!!!!

7/11 #55

yay we arn't failing any classes any more :)

6/11 #54

was testing new eye styles

5/11 #53

>:( im pissed at devint art liek der alreadi questinabal enouth with ai and nft stuff but yeah no im not supporting ethnic clensing so yeah temperarly discod is back as are image hoster while we wait 4 devent art to FIX IT"S MASITACE or find a new hoster seance discord is gonna stop image hosting bi liek laet desember i think
i just reolized we could just do utube comunitly posts lol
we might finaly do de sona page and de shrine page dis week :)
uh we were gona use youtube comunity postest insted ov discord but liek we never varified so were goina do dat toamro

4/11 #52

as leik a teaser ima do de go kiity meme next

3/11 #51

de sceach book has returened lol
yaya first achoal animation :))
ig doing cringtober was good 4 something lol

2/11 #50

sorry 4 no art blog today we did a sceachbook but forgot 2 take a piture den r phone locked so yeah sorrry
!!!!omg we pased 3400 veiws dats more people dan my intire hght school :))))
:( im realy sorry and dis is just r failt i took de picure of yesterdays art but forgot 2 shaer d fiel so when i wake up tomaro ima do it pleas

31/10 #49

!!!!omggg we jsut finished cringtober yayyayy uh dis is supposted to be a like bloody mary but it's suppost to be one of r sonas seeing are (repersntation of uor) irl self throught a mirr and i think we did a good job 4 wons lol

30/10 #48

and der it is shes going to get u !!!!!!!!!
yeah de art is bad but it's from purrgatory so play it!!! it's like a free 5-8 hours of good story and we found it at liek de musim of popculur in seatle which was cool so yeah paly it !!!!

29/10 #47

yeah we haev noe excuse 4 missing 2day sorry so we owe you wat it is uh so yeah it a trixie fan art !

28/10 #46

im realy sory cringtober is late we did it den forgot to send it over soryy :(
sory it's laet 2 times in a row we did like half de sceach den had 2 eat den watch a movie and yeah r computer was locked

26/10 #45

btw got inspration from dis so is not reol totaly + (dis is taklcing bout a difrenct thing) at least we tryd drawing from a kinda difrent post (de art in equeston and uh self goer warning ig??)

25/10 #44

? im comfused iv herd people say "wow i lic astetic" but like it comfusing cause isn't saying u liek astetec liek just saying "Wow dis is so work" or "dis is so laungiege" like???? their r many difrent types of astetics and i know dat when u say astetic u meen a crton type your triing 2 maek but liek no matr what wount u alweas haev a astetic so idkk??
dis was supost to be of scaurg even though we havent read a warios book saunce like april of 2022 and oly got to de booc befor hockfrost dies + bluestar (de best carictor XD) and firestars suppereditions but idk what 2 draw lol

24/10 #43

we ned 2 now how to draw from difrent angles sorry
btw we might finish an animation

23/10 #42

we might finaly finish an animation yay

22/10 #41

yayy der arnt 2 difrent pages now

art blog




















