
hight: 4,2

age: <= 18

hight: 4,2

age: <= 19

pronouns: she/fei

repersents: origanly our sarcastic but pround self, also now external trans pride

relations:doesn't realy interact with other sonas, but somewhat interacts with li, and kinda tailli


blood is light blue and lucky enouth to rayerly show it

tail:up to middle of head

created: original fourm on like late december 2021 to january 2022, but implomented hevey change in like early june 2023

style stolen from: 3200원 감귤

lore real :3

has our pfp in discord and like kinda manages it (+ liek just talking to most uv our irl freinds), (but tbf fei was praticly maid for dat lol), also de reson why she repersents our external trans pride too, also de reson why style es so wired es cause sona was made supper eairly and based off uv 3200원 감귤 and managed to praticly keep et (with gaining optional ears and a tail), (unlike li lol), also despite repersenting use being trans somehow managed to only go by fei even after that was declared

yeah dis page is imposible to read XD

sona es wierd and doesn't reali haiv songs to reprosent her so just put the playlist full of random 3200원 감귤 vids (you should liek check dem out cause its a coul chanle)
