word blog

19/9 #20, yay de best kittidog song en teh albem got an animation!!!!!

ok so, i am the happy right now!! even thought i was asleap 4 like 10 years, the best pastpresentfuture song got an animation!!! skrew u lylia my favorit song got played more!!

18/9 #19, sad

ahhh, wi don't knuw waht 2 draw en schoul, i geuss we'l just draw 4 our futuer animachuns

17/9 #18, de profoci!!!

dear es a profaci, dat 1 dey we wiel ACUTALY FECKEN UPLOAD SOMETHING WE DREW ON FRIDAY, ON FRIDAY, end et has yet 2 b 4fild..... en outher news im finali back from mi liek 5 month nap, dis front es not going 2 last at all, but at least i weil proboli b able 2 do soem coul thengs en deh headspaic :3 also i might tri 2 maek et a theng wehn a new alter frunts, dey haiv 2 use der colour 4 at least 1 day

13/9 #17, amazingly fast site develupment :3

ef we conteque at teh current paice we are at weff finisheng teh atler paeg, we might finesh tehs siet be4 2029 =3

11/9 #16, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

oh my fecking god et happened again, so yeah we liek have to go now, sorri 3: omg im going insain, its liek 12 hours laetr and we don't have a new drawing caues we 4got our fecken scetch book at home!!!!!! omg

10/9 #15, sad

we can't relli talk much caus we 4got 2 send dis immage on our phone, and then it locked, so im doing dis in teh morning ig :3

7/9 #14, why es devent art so weird

dis random post somehow got liek 700 views (comparied 2 our normal uv liek 100 to 200) and 9 favorites!!!!! idk how, et just kinda isn't realli dat good aniway, but also i think our art es generali improving :3 cause liek even ef et gets teh normal amount of views, et now gets liek 2 or 4 favorits compared 2 just getteng 1 or even less, which i think means it improving so yay ig :3

6/9 #13, fun fact =3

do u know, im teh onli 4 legged alter 2 not haev a scar dey gaiv demselphs :3 even though de dead "alter" i was parideng had liek a lot uv dem, also aroura es mean and doesn't want to front 3: and just wants 2 be en weird kinda head space

5/9 #12, be goen green text!!

ok, so i think thengs our goeng well, so liek i aproved miself 2 ues normal text =3 also schol es goeing well!!!

4/9 #11, yt being anyeng

ok, so basicli our new video, got liek a somewath deccent amount uv views, but leik literly moer dan 50% of views cliek off on liek de 5th second, and de advrage view teim es only 18 procent 3:

30/8 #10, wee :D

ok, so ive been thronting 4 liek a bit (2 or 3 dayes), but just now i haev liek a consistan fromt, which is ckinda cool :3 and liek i like d websiet, but wiff no websonas fronteng i heave 2 right et, so liek im wreting et en grenn =D, also thanks 2 lucki go cat , we now know waht an animal heart es kinda, i think ets liek a weird and fancy (my deapest apologies, thoughs words mean liek the smae thing) inbetwen of a furri and a therian, so leik you experince a deap colection (*conection sorri) wif an animal, but liek not shifts or wahtever i think????? oh also i wana test something, to our girl friend if you're readeng dis dm us the word, liek pakistan or something =3, ok wiat i es dumb caus go cat posted a theng explaining waht a animal heart es, and ueah (*yeah) i mostly get it :3 .holy astrisks aer hearts lmao

29/8 #9, ahhhhhhh

i want 2 go bakc in teim 2 saterday, and drag a fekcen knif acros my pasts self's throawt, and watcheng her blead out, for begin so fecken stupid and no doieng anitheng 4 liek most uv de day, and makeing et so i can't draw 2day cause of homework dat SHE SHOUDK HAEV DONE IN DE 10 BAGILION FRE HOURES SHE HAD (karkat reference)btw raed dis, is a certefid bop!!! clik me!!!also i'v bean liek fronteng 4 liek 2 daies, y es dis just my 1rst mesage 3:

28/8 #8, eep

dis websiet neads moer random rants about stuf (but not 2day caues we messed up and r going to sleep liek 10 miunets latr =3 .)

27/8 #7, crappy art dump go!!!!

yeah sorry for being bad at posteng oru art, as you can see lora, and moony haev all had slight design chages :3

24/8 #7, homestuck ahhhh

ok so basicly i don't fecken care if this has to be writen in red, cause lucafur (or any alter that normaly talks about the website) doesnt car about homestuck, and changed got a really long rant (thought it is mostly ashamoon who likes that, but lucafur likes it too), im writing it so yeah Xd, if you are reading this then what the heck are you doing read homestuck, and if you like don't like it, then slit your nekc lol, and like ok so vriska is like the best troll (ok second best, adinia is the first but idc), and i don't care she has proboly done the most (minus adinia) to get closer to the goal than any other troll, (expesaily compaired to the troll with the brown blood i forgot the name of, that has only slowed down the groop), and yeah i was given [s] cascaid to write this then i have to pause, which i think is so so so so so sad but whatever, i havn't relly got to do much resently, its mostly been ashamoon (which is fine i guess), but i still ezist in context of homestuck, cause asha doesn't care about it ether. hey do you know fun fact about a year ago we (by we i mean redlili lol) made a fancy little system to catagrize sh, (triggered by prisess trixie sparckle which you should watch too btww) so like teair 3 is sh the actions you do that make it so someone else harms you like getting into a fight, teir 2 is unintentional self harm, like triping on a bannan peal, and teir 1 is intentional, like stratching yourself with the blaid of a kife so when you see the scar you remeber why you did it and to not do it agian, also its almost so over cascaid is almost done, but rose is the best human the sier of light is cool as heck, also i still don't know if im technicly allowd to tell you to harm yourself like i did before (Acutly wait no i am) but like btw don't do that (exept if you hate homestuck =3 .) also liek eeeeeee, i don't know we're at the 6 intermition in homestuck btw, so yeah thats cool, also before i got my page kinda sucks, and watch scottertrix the abrige, ok wiat so idc like 20 miunets of watching kittydog later, i wanna talk about how we like paused homestuck for like 3 WHOLE WEEKS!!!!! in like mid june, and it only fecken restarted cause of school starting back up

23/8 #6, best gf

ok so liek we didn't tel you dis but liek, we haiv had a gf senci leik early june, and she es liek de best best best person ever (even if i don't relli talk to her cause fukca does dat and liek im no allowed 2, and fukca isn't etheir but fukca is liek one of de 4 alters dat care about soical stuf so leik yeahh) and has helped us liek a lot, and so liek we havn't told ne1 dat we our a system (we've been parinoid dat tehy soem how found dis, but tehy hanv;t brout et up so liek i don't think dey found et, also were liek 30% sure our dad has found dis site, but liek they havn't brought anything up yet so liek ethe rth'yr plying d long gaim, or they found it when et was reali young and never checd et again), and we wil tel her 2day, or i'll maek us do somthing reli bad. she alredi knows a bit leik how found kittidog, that we're a furry, and she's proboli de onli person who knows we're a therian, but liek ets tiem 2 giev her teh full picutr (even thou dis siet doesn't even have teh full pictur cause were lazy!!!!, so liek im (by im i mean fukca or some other alter) is proboli goini to haiv 2 deal wiff a lot)

22/8 #5, school :3

ok so basicli schul es bak so we wel provoli aculi use d websiet a bit, oh also dis has been happeneng senci liek teh 16 uv june, but we might be a therian :3, also we hav resentli started playeng changed too! :3 (also also, cause i don't think w e put dis aniwher, wev ben readeng homestuck cense liek mid april lol)
ok so liek 18 hours haev past ceanse we wrote dat, and changed maeks us feal reli reli weird 4 sum rezen (also no et esnt teh funni feileng ok it es a bit uv dat, but shhhh, tat esnt d main theng) but leik it maek us feil deh liek kinda teh fanci dysphoria (de therian 1, not de normal trans 1), but liek not negitiv, but also not ahs strong ahs a dureng a shift, but den it also liek lasted 4 half of school somehow. (ok weird rant comming up that dosent mean anythig about how we feil about changed, also liek spoilers ig), why do they nned to maek everyone liek full (or much more dan they would need 2 do) animals jsut to maek our immun system better, so ether the virus is just a natral desseas that is supper deadly to humans and animals can at least survive, 4 dat all we would need 2 do would be 2 ether change our immun system to be able to fight off the virus bettr, or if its that de virus just is better at not killing some animals dan humans , just change some internal organs, no need to grow fur, and ef assuming that 4 some reason et is a virus spacificly enginered to kill only humans (and a lot uv them) just figur out what de virus reconglizes as human and change dat (but also proboly only internal, viruses don't atack from teh outside)

29/7 #4, yay we're kinda bak

im bak enouf 2 kinda run de websiet yay :3

28/7 #3, stupid vent sorry

its a merical how people care about us, we're a fauler of a system and a person, we havn't done anything forever, the alters that actualy manage this site (lucafur and redlili) are fucking gone, so sorry im going to tri tri tri tri, to get us to ashaly do something, i don't even know who we're venting to, no one checks this (honestly its proboly a good thing, cause we can type whatever here and not deal with any consequenses :3 .) if we don't upload an actual animation by the end of the summer, ples assume we're dead

25/7 #2, :O site revive

ok so liek proboly not sorri 3: ,but liek we will tri to reviv blog posting (maybe dayly????????) and stuf liek that so yay ig

23/7 #1, omg omg omg we're so back

k so like, idc that people don't track dis, but liek so so so much has happened, i love our gf so so so so so much and she is the best purrson ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3 ,we need to revive our website, and our blog so so so much

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